Semester Awards
Every semester, we honor the individuals and chapters who go above and beyond in modeling CARP’s values of teamwork, service, learning, community, and excellence.
Individual Awards:
Unsung Hero Award: For a student, alumni, or volunteer who goes above and beyond
Global Citizen Award: For a student who reaches out to serve the world
Advisor of the Year Award: For a club advisor who helps the CARP chapter succeed in serving the campus
Chapter Awards:
Chapter Service Award: For a chapter that has made a significant impact on their campus and community
Standing for a Principled Viewpoint Award: For a chapter that provides principled education on campus
Standing for a Principled Culture Award: For a chapter that champions a principled culture on campus
Rising Chapter Award: For a chapter (less than one year old) that shows great promise and success
Chapter of the Year Award: For a chapter that went above and beyond (only eligible in Spring)