What We Offer

In response to a culture that is focused on helping oneself, local student leaders are creating a culture that models living for the sake of others and promotes cooperation and understanding. These students are passionate and inspired to make a positive impact that results in a long-lasting, fulfilling lifestyle for every member of their community. As students, however, they are limited in their experience and resources. The National CARP staff supports the local chapter efforts and students by providing the resources and support.

Some examples of our resources:


Chapter Visits

Our national team love visiting local chapters and attending their events! Our students are the real heroes, and we treasure any and all face time with them.

If you’d like to request a chapter visit:

CARP Curriculum

Thanks to our mentors, we developed educational materials for students to use in CARP talks and events to explain the CARP perspective on history, education, media, love, and marriage, and more.


Merchandise and Care Packages

Every semester, CARP HQ sends care packages to every chapter will cool merch student leaders can use to rep CARP and open doors to start conversations about principles on campus.

Email jinil@carplife.org with your chapter to receive a care package!


Brand Assets and Graphic Design

Want to create your own merchandise and flyers with our logo?

Email jinil@carplife.org for the link.

Leader Guidebook

We’ve compiled basic tips and best practices for starting a CARP chapter and getting registered on campus.

Email jinil@carplife.org for the link.


Need Funding?

All of our chapters have big dreams and projects to make an impact on campus.

If you have some project you’d like to request funding for, click below!


Chapters gain momentum and grow with support from these resources and more that the National Team develops from communication with chapters and student leaders. They become empowered in their mission and become an integral part of their campuses and community. If you would like to be a part of the movement and develop more resources for our local chapters, donate here!

If you would like to receive resources and support, email jinil@carplife.org!

Share your local chapter stories here!