• Whether we realize it or not, we all have a worldview - a way that we see and understand the world around us.

    This presentation examines some of the assumptions that lie behind many of the viewpoints being expressed today. By being aware of them, we can begin to find common ground with others, developing what we may call a ‘Headwing’ perspective that bridges the gap between the Leftwing and Rightwing to promote greater cooperation, peace, and understanding.

  • Our culture today can be polarizing. It may seem that people just can’t agree on certain cultural values to the point where we can’t move forward.

    This presentation examines the historical origins and development of the Western value system. By understanding these thought trends, we can better understand our current culture and how to contribute to better understanding and cooperation.

  • Over the past half century, beginning with the sexual revolution in the 1960s, major cultural changes in attitudes and behavior have taken place regarding love and sex. As we search to find a loving relationship, our natural curiosity leads us to an exploration of these topics. With so many influences it can be hard to navigate. This presentation helps us gain clarity on the connection between love and sex and explores how we can make choices that lead to lasting and fulfilling happiness in relationships.

  • College students often receive a pessimistic view of marriage - and statistics show marriage only works out half the time. Well, maybe that’s because we, as a society, don’t receive enough preparation to be successful in marriage. We go to school to be successful in our careers - shouldn’t we also be prepared for marriage? This presentation makes a case for marriage and its importance for protecting the family as the school of love.

  • This presentation considers the questions concerning education and its place in our lives. It looks at how American education has changed over the years in response to changes in the culture and examines the current situation on college campuses. Are our universities currently fulfilling their responsibility in educating today’s youth? Are they preparing them well to be our nation’s future citizens and leaders? What are the problems facing modern education and how can they be overcome so that our young people will be empowered to build a future full of peace and prosperity for all?

  • In our 21st century world, we have seen an explosion of new technology that brings new challenges like maintaining journalistic standards when anyone with a smart phone can capture live events. Many decry the lack of objectivity in today’s news and wonder how to navigate the advent of “fake news.” 

    This presentation looks at the ways these changes have affected the media, its credibility, and how it relates to the media’s responsibility to the society it serves. It also asks, “what is our responsibility as citizens in the face of the current media landscape?”

  • This presentation digs deeper into the universal principles of life, about the spiritual and physical nature of human beings and the meaning of true love. It presents the fulfillment of the three life goals as the means to lasting individual and mutual happiness. For those who are familiar with the Divine Principle, this presentation conveys the main points of the Principle of Creation from a nonreligious perspective.

  • We see conflict at every level in our world today, whether between nations, people, or even within ourselves.

    This presentation looks at the causes of conflict and provides detailed strategies to overcome them. The underlying principle to these strategies is summed up in the phrase “Peace Starts with Me.” Ultimately, it shows that each of us can be a peacemaker, whether on a small or large scale.

  • This presentation addresses the question, “What would business look like in an ideal world?”, and presents the family model as a lens through which we can determine business ethics. It explains how the four great realms of heart within the family are the foundation for all relationships in the business world. It gives many real world examples of both good business ethics and bad business ethics.

  • This presentation examines several of the prevailing worldviews that have radically transformed the moral framework and culture of the 20th and 21st century. It offers a critique to the worldviews of Secular Humanism, Critical Theory, and Postmodernism, and advocates for a Headwing worldview as the means of bringing peace and true happiness to society.

  • Many young people today struggle over the question of God. Does God exist or not? This presentation examines the implications of believing or not believing in God and the arguments for and against. In the end, our answer to the question of God’s existence does have great bearing on our worldview, values, and way of life.

  • In many ways, politics is all about power. Those who have it can set the agenda and priorities for the country, state, or city and town. But what about the ethical side of politics? Is there an ethical side? Is it really all about winning? Is it country first or party first? Are we forever stuck with partisan politics, or is there a better way? This presentation deals with these and other questions.

  • World peace. The term has been around for ages. Yet we seem to be no closer to getting there today than times past. This presentation discusses the difference between the politics of peace that the UN engages in and the much more fundamental culture of peace. The latter requires a change in mindset and behavior in which people are inspired to live for the sake of others and is expressed through active service. It argues that only such a cultural change can bring about lasting peace.

  • In recent times, it has seemed that the development of science has made religion an outdated and superstitious set of beliefs. But is that really the case? This presentation examines the nature of scientific and religious truth and how they complement each other. It also examines six areas of scientific discovery that open the possibility for greater convergence between science and religion.

  • The four waves of the feminist movement have brought tremendous change to American society, and have supported women’s rights and equality. However, there have also been unintended consequences which have had effects that end up hurting women and society. This presentation examines the course and effects of the feminist movement, and offers an approach to feminist issues that can bring reconciliation and true equality between men and women in society.