CARP Blog Post Guidelines


  Starting in 2015, we have decided to give voice to our members/consultants through personal blog posts. Our hope is that this will start a dialogue on the national level. The ultimate goal of a CARP blog post is to share your experiences. We strive to create active communities that meet weekly to discuss value-based themes such as Spirituality, Relationships, Integrity, Value, or Purpose. If you have any insights on these topics (or anything related to them), we want to encourage you to share with our national network.   Here are some technical suggestions:   Suggested Length: 1,000 – 1,500 words

  Suggested Headline: 6 words

  • A succinct and direct headline can do wonders. Try to summarize your blog in 6 words.

  Pictures, pictures, pictures:

  • A post that is accompanied by a feature image/video/graphic receives many more clicks than those do not.
  • More personal or relatable the picture, the better!

  Introduction: Storytelling:

  • If you are going to have a short story in your blog post, please try to fit it in the beginning to hook your readers!

  Separate ideas with subheads:

  • A majority of the people on the internet don’t read, they scan.

  Great blog posts are: 1) Relatable, 2) Actionable, 3) Visual, 4) Solution-based, and of course, 5) Entertaining   If you are interested in writing a short blog post for CARP, please e-mail   Thank you for your help! CARP appreciates your initiative to start a national dialogue.