Our CARP chapter representatives have been working hard all semester and we want to acknowledge them for their service, compassion and effort. They have worked hard to do something different, necessary, and valuable – to make a real difference with students in understanding their God-given purpose, value, and identity. They are part of the student movement. They have engaged in regular coaching sessions with CARP staff to prepare powerful programs for the students in their campuses and communities. They’ve developed relationships and practiced communication skills with their teams. Without them, CARP would not be the same.
We want to thank all of our CARP Student leaders for a job well done and we know they didn’t do it alone. It takes a village so we want to acknowledge all of the parents, friends, family, professors, etc. that helped them achieve their victories this semester – THANK YOU!
We also want to acknowledge our student members and leaders. Let’s share with them the difference they have made and how grateful we are for their hard work. You can send a message to a specific chapter, chapter leader, or member. OR you can send a message to ALL CARP students. The deadline to submit is by May 31st, 2016 so we can make sure they can receive our gratitude.
Yusei H.
University of Central Arkansas
Gabby V.
Kristin A.
Jinil F.
University of Nevada – Las Vegas
Takafumi M.
New Jersey Institute
of Technology
Hitoe H.
Pasadena Community College
Don. K
Penn State-Berks Campus
Irvin G.
Juliana G.
University of Bridgeport
Ian C.
University of Texas-Dallas
Isaac J.
WestRock, NY