With Thanksgiving coming up and the end-of-the-year just around the corner, it’s the perfect time to stop, reflect, and give thanks for all we have been given. Gratitude has a powerful impact on our spirit.
“My motto in life is ‘How can I live today with more gratitude than yesterday?’ I have tried to live a life in which I am more grateful today than I was yesterday, and in which I will be even more grateful tomorrow than I am today. It has been my life’s goal to have gratitude in my heart every day.” – Mother Moon
Here at CARP, we are grateful for so many things and we want to take a moment to acknowledge the people who have contributed to CARP’s success this year.
25 Things We are Grateful For
Mother Moon speaking to CARP America students in Korea.
1. Our Founders, Father and Mother Moon. First, we’d like to thank our founders, Dr. Sun Myung Moon and Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, for their vision, heart, and continued investment in youth. This year, Mother Moon hosted 120 CARP members to join her for a meal, was the keynote speaker at the Peace Starts with Me Rally in New York, and, more recently, the keynote speaker at the Global Peace Rally in Korea, inspiring many of our students to host their own events on campus, like CARP LV’s “Peace Starts with Me” Campus Talks.
2. Family Federation for World Peace & Unification USA. Thank you to Family Federation USA, Dr. Kim, Dr. Balcomb, and Rev. Buessing, for supporting CARP through your encouragement, inspiration, promotion, scholarships, and more. We are all working to create one family under God.
3. Our Generous Donors. Thank you also to our donors, both monthly and special event donors. Nothing would be possible without your generosity.
4. Our Students. Thank you, students! You’re the bread and butter for CARP and make this the student movement that we love to be a part of (even after we graduate and are no longer students…we’re students of life and that counts!).
CARP North Lake repping CARP at Club Fair this semester.
5. Our Established Chapters. Thank you to our registered CARP clubs on campus that are a creating an environment for students to discover the power of the Principle through discussions, service projects, seminars, retreats, and more. Fourteen chapters have done the work of finding a faculty advisor, filling out the proper paperwork, and engaging students this semester.
6. Our Faculty Advisors. Thank you to our faculty advisors for working with us so we can be a registered club on campuses and supporting (many times attending) our meetings and events!
7. Our Community Supporters. Thank you to our community supporters. Whether it’s a hot meal, transportation, attending our events, or anything else, our supporters hold a special place in our hearts (you could say the wind beneath our wings!). We are especially grateful to Kodan for your help and support.
8. Our Professors. Thank you to our professors who teach us so much every day. This year in Las Vegas, several professors recommended student to join CARP and participated in the Campus Talks.Our Professors. You are training the future leaders of the world!
Gerry Servito speaking at Culture Wars in January this year.
9. Our Educators. Thank you to our educators for always endowing your wisdom and knowledge onto us. You are a tremendous help at retreats and have made yourselves available even for questions via email.
10. Our Chapter Reps and Leaders. Thank you to our chapter reps for leading and managing your chapters while simultaneously connecting with the national team AND being students yourselves!
11. GPA. Thank you to Generation Peace Academy (GPA) for joining our local CARP chapters in their activities and inviting us to be part of yours. You train and prepare students so well for public service through your gap year program, sending such quality leaders to continue their training in CARP. Our partnership is a treasured one.
12. HARP. Thank you to the High School Association for the Research of the Principle (HARP) for getting started and involved! We’re excited to have you on board with us.
13. International Chapters. Thank you to our international chapters for hosting us in Japan and Korea and for collaborating and sharing your stories. We’re always inspired by your activities!
Bay Area CARP at their Ignite program with their community.
14. Our Local Communities. Thank you to our local communities for hosting us around the country! Special thanks to local pastors who encourage us with wisdom and spiritual guidance, recommending students to apply their faith in applicable ways on campus. It takes a village to develop global citizens and we are so grateful to learn, grow, and serve our campuses and communities together with you.
15. Technology. Thank you internet and technology for allowing us to connect nationwide with ease via Facebook, our monthly newsletter, Zoom, and more. #BeGratefulForTheLittleThings
16. Our Mentors. A BIG thank you to all of our mentors for constantly giving us guidance and helping us grow. Everyone needs a role model and we are so grateful you are there to guide us along the way.
17. Our Family and Friends. Thank you to our family and friends for supporting us, taking care of us, and for reminding us of our value and purpose.
Emily Iseda (UCLA) with staff member Nina Urbonya.
18. Our Alumni. Thank you to all CARP alumni who have pioneered, led the way, and created a trail for us to follow! We have so much to learn and we are grateful for sharing your stories and being a stand for a principled environment on campus.
19. Our Developing Chapters. Thank you to our developing chapters for working hard and wanting to be part of our CARP family! It’s not always easy to get started and it takes special people to start something new.
20. Our Hubs. Thank you to our newly established hubs for managing multiple chapters and pushing to open more!
Two CARP Las Vegas members learning how to teach Unification Principles at a retreat.
21. Our National Board of Directors. Thank you to our National Board of Directors for helping CARP move forward through overseeing strategic planning, accountability, programming, financial transparency, and more.
22. Our Campuses. Thank you to all college and university campuses that host us, for giving us the opportunity to be part of campus life!
23. Our Partner Organizations and Clubs. Thank you to our partner organizations and clubs! We look forward to working more with you this next year!
24. Our Interns and Volunteers. Thank you to our interns and volunteers for your time and dedication.
25. Our National Staff team. Finally, thank you to our all of our national staff members across the country that work to bridge the gap and provide opportunities to students everywhere.
We couldn’t have done it without the support and prayers of countless individuals like you. From all of CARP, thank you!
We invite you to take a moment (or a few) to reflect on, What are you grateful for?
If you want to be part of the magic and experience the joy of giving, support CARP by donating on #GivingTuesday by going to carplife.org/donate