Contributed by Alicia Kuhlmann
Inspired by the HyoJeong Trip this summer, members of Utah CARP and HARP hosted a Two-Day Unification Principle Retreat for the local community on August 5th & 6th.
The workshop included activities to encompass Father Moon’s spirit such as fishing, boating, and morning reading of God’s word, also known as Hoon Dok Hae. Eleven participants of college, high school and middle school age attended this retreat.
On Sunday, August 5th, participants gathered at Deer Creek Reservoir and connected to Father Moon’s tradition through several hours of fishing and kayaking.
The official retreat began in the evening with a song session and prayer. Participants were both those new to the Principle and those who grew up with it.
The second day of the workshop began with a Hoon Dok Hae Session followed by discussion and prayer. Participants were then assigned into two teams breaking the ice and getting to know each other on a deeper level before receiving three Principle lectures.
The lectures were given by the local Youth and CARP leaders: Tetsuo Ishii, Eun-young Hwang, and Alicia Kuhlmann. Participants also did outside activities like the water balloon war.
Utah Summer Workshop Leaders: (L to R) Alicia Kuhlmann (Utah CARP President), Tetsuo Ishii, Eun-young Hwang (Utah HARP President), You-won Hwang, Yeon-su Hwang
The workshop closed with testimonies and determinations, showing gratitude to the elders of the community and Father and Mother Moon, and the signing of picture frames with a picture of the youth.
Look to more activities and happenings from CARP Utah this year! Share your stories to!