Contributed by Jinil Fleischman
On December 15-17, Dallas CARP brought together students from Dallas College, North Lake Campus and the University of Texas, Arlington (UTA), for a three day retreat focusing on the theme of “Culture of Heart.” The retreat was held at the DFW Family Church in Irving, TX. There were 16 participants in total.
The retreat began on Friday the 15th with some fun, energetic activities, followed by two lectures on the Divine Principle given by CARP leaders. After each lecture, participants engaged in lively discussion in their teams.
“Every point he mentioned was something I needed to hear.”
- Sophia, junior at UTA
“There were many points that I resonated about relationship and keys to spiritual growth. It reminded me how much CARP positively impacts my life. I’m glad that I have this community where we have shared values to improve ourselves, and where we can support each other.”
- Shinji, sophomore at Dallas College
After dinner, there was a reflective activity where participants were given an opportunity to reflect on their challenges and write an anonymous letter to God, and then respond anonymously to someone else’s letter. Many people were able to gain deep insights and hope to overcome struggles they were facing.
The morning activity of the next day was something that has never been done before in a Dallas CARP workshop: a service project. After breakfast, participants worked together to assemble 120 plates of food to be given to the homeless. With the assistance of a deacon from the Bear Creek Community Church, everyone went to a location just south of downtown Dallas and handed out food to the homeless. It was an incredibly meaningful and rewarding experience for everyone
“Making food for the homeless was very meaningful. I am very happy that we were able to offer ourselves to help our community.”
Christian, sophomore at Dallas College
After the service and lunch, there was some sports and free time, followed by two lectures focusing on the life of CARP Founders, Father and Mother Moon. After dinner, the day concluded with a bonfire, roasting marshmallows, and deep one-on-one conversations, where participants could share their experiences in the retreat and about their lives in general.
After breakfast on Sunday, participants read and discussed a speech given by Mother Moon at the recent Resurgence event in Las Vegas. Finally, there was time for reflection and a final team meeting. Some participants stayed for Sunday service at the DFW Family Church, afternoon volleyball and/or another service project with the Feed My Starving Children organization.
“Through this retreat, I realized that I want to be better, not just for myself but for the future I may one day have, and so that I may help others someday as well.”
Freshman student at Dallas College
“I am very grateful for talking to my teammate at the bonfire. She made me feel like I wasn’t alone, and that I wasn’t the only one experiencing a battle in my mind. I needed that”
Freshman student at Dallas College