Contributed by CARP Las Vegas
CARP CSN held their Campus Talk on November 1st!
CARP Las Vegas hosted two Campus Talks this semester titled Sexual Integrity and the Breakdown of the Family on two campuses during the first week of November. This Campus Talk would mark the third time CARP Las Vegas hosted this event.
On Thursday, November 1st, the CARP chapter at the College of Southern Nevada (CSN) held its Campus Talk. This event aimed to explore how the sexual integrity of individuals greatly shapes their own marriage and families and how that in turn affects the world at large.
Dr. Loren Marks, a professor of the Department of Family Life at Brigham Young University
Cheryl Wetzstein, a forty-year veteran reporter of The Washington Times
They were privileged to have two experts in the fields of marriage and media as their presenters: Dr. Loren Marks, a professor of the Department of Family Life at Brigham Young University, and Cheryl Wetzstein, a forty-year veteran reporter of The Washington Times. Around 70 students, including four CSN Student Government Senators, as well as 11 faculty members and two faith leaders were in attendance.
Dr. Rederico Zaragoza, President of CSN, gives welcoming remarks.
Ryota Naito, president of CARP CSN, was the emcee for the program. President of CSN, Dr. Federico Zaragoza, gave welcoming remarks. After sharing his own journey as an “original dreamer,” he commended CARP for the important work it is trying to do on college campuses.
The first speaker, Mrs. Wetzstein, spoke on the effects of the media since the 1970’s sexual revolution, which turned the traditional views of abstinence and modesty into a society of free-sex and promiscuity. She exposed the inaccuracy of Alfred Kinsey’s research on sexual behavior which was a catalyst for the sexual revolution. Furthermore, she argued how federal programs on abstinence and healthy marriage has a positive impact on communities.
The second speaker, Dr. Marks, gave a presentation titled, “Sexual Revolution vs. Sexual Integrity- Which Will You Choose?” Through telling research and his personal testimony, Dr. Marks encouraged the audience to consider how sexual integrity leads to more fulfilling marriages.
The presenters open up the Q&A session.
After the presentations, there was a Q&A session which allowed the participants to converse honestly with the speakers. Many sought answers on how they could begin to live a life of sexual integrity despite past mistakes or how they could advocate the idea of sexual integrity to those around them.
Ryota Naito, CARP CSN President and MC of the event.
To conclude, Ryota invited everyone to future opportunities on receiving more education, mentoring others and advocating sexual integrity. Following the event, faculty members, 2 Student Government senators and other community leaders joined a reception and continued conversations about what they could do moving forward. Some expressed interests in joining an advisory committee for future Campus Talk events.
CARP UNLV’s Campus Talk followed CSN’s.
Following the Campus Talk on CSN Campus, the Campus Talk Sexual Integrity and the Breakdown of the Family at University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV) was held on Wednesday, November 7th. This event had a similar flow to the CSN event but featured different presenters.
Dr. Struthers, Wheaton College
The UNLV event featured Dr. William Struthers who studies and teaches about the impact of pornography consumption, and Mrs. Marcia Barlow who represents United Families International at the United Nations. Around 80 students and young adults including representatives from UNLV and CSN Student Government, four faculty members, and about a dozen leaders from faith groups attended the event.
Mrs. Barlow, United Families International
Kailey Teo, CARP UNLV President, warmly welcomed everyone and invited the Director of Government Affairs, Dr. James Wasden, to greet the guests. Dr. Wasden, who is also the advisor for CARP UNLV, shared about his personal experiences with his marriage and commended the work of CARP in encouraging the students to think about their options in relationships.
Dr. James Wasden, CARP UNLV advisor
Dr. William Struthers presented first and shared striking observations and research on how pornography has evolved within our culture - stripping the taboos, distorting our perceptions, and making ‘porn’ a part of a new norm. He also talked about how severely the younger population has been affected by the pornified culture, to the point that he is currently reworking and updating his research from 10 years ago.
Next, Mrs. Marcia Barlow presented on “Sexual Liberty and the Impact on the Family.” Mrs. Barlow used numerous data to show the widespread consequences of the idea of sexual liberty, expressed in the forms of cohabitation and having multiple partners prior to marriage. Statistics on domestic violence, poverty, abortion, education attainment, and crime showed convincingly that the idea of sexual liberty rather than sexual fidelity is a main contributor to the worsening challenges faced by not only our children, but society as whole.
The guest speakers answered questions during the Q&A session.
During the 25-minute Q & A session, the participants were eager to ask questions regarding the impact of viewing pornography and cohabitation. This allowed the discussion to go into more specific points. Dr. Struthers made his points by sharing very personally about his intimate relationship with his wife, while Mrs. Barlow carefully explained her disagreement with the concept of sexual liberty with concrete evidence.
CARP UNLV President, Kailey Teo, acts as MC for the event.
To conclude, Kailey invited everyone to consider their “Next Steps,” opportunities on receiving more education, mentoring others, and advocating for sexual integrity. Participants stayed in the auditorium, talking to each other and reflecting on what they had just heard.
Reception after the Campus Talk.
The speakers and the guests representing different organizations were invited to a reception. It was a pleasant meeting, and though most people were meeting for the first time, they felt a sense of bonding. They were also invited to join the advisory committee to plan future Campus Talk events. We all left the dinner with a feeling that we were all at the right place with the right people, and that together we can make something truly wonderful happen.
Many participants, young and old, felt hopeful, energized, and eager to take action. Through the continued support of many, along with the connections made through this event, CARP hopes to continue sharing these important values on college campuses.
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