CARP Participates in Club Fairs Across College Campuses

Contributed by Ryota Naito

Every semester, CARP chapters across America put themselves out there on college campuses by participating in their local club fairs. It has been a great opportunity to present CARP to many new students and generate more exposure. CARP Chabot College said there was a higher turnout since this has been the first semester where almost all classes were in-person. They even had more sign-ups than those from the pandemic combined. There were some hubs like Las Vegas, Los Angeles, and New Jersey which had their students present on multiple club fairs between campuses in their area. CARP Chicago had several new members help share CARP to other students on campus. CARP Westminster was able to share a table with the interfaith club and their club advisor. What a great way to get the semester going!

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