My name is Marcus Orlando Fuller Jr., and I'm a CARP Las Vegas member. I think many people exaggerate when they say that “so and so saved my life”. Still, I think that's the only way to describe the immense and deep impact that CARP has had on me.
When I first met the CARP members, what stood out the most to me was their deep and genuine love for people. I had many friends and fraternity brothers, but none of them had taken the time to truly get to know me and help me through the depression I was experiencing. Suicidal thoughts and feelings of hopelessness enveloped me, creating a never-ending swirling whirlwind of self hate and apathy in my mind.
Marcus (center) at the summer leadership training with CARP Las Vegas in 2017.
But one CARP member gave me amazing advice after I shared with him that I was experiencing addiction and depression. Unlike most of my friends, he did not pretend to be an expert, and instead suggested that I see a professional. Up until that point no one had cared enough for me to admit that they couldn't help.
I was deeply moved by his honesty and desire to help me. What truly saved me from going over the edge was not that one and only meeting I had with the psychiatrist but the family and community I had found in the CARP brothers and sisters.
Marcus (left) at graduation with his mom (right).
Over the last two years, I have had countless other experiences with the CARP members, each one showing me time and time again that the culture we have in CARP is one of family and love. Even though I have an older sister and three younger brothers, I believe that once I met CARP, I finally understood what it meant to have a family.
One of the main reasons that I feel so close to everyone is because we all are striving to become our best selves, and create a better world. There are many ways to do that, but personally I love to use the arts to reach out to people's hearts.
Marcus and the CARP LV band!
I joined the CARP band in July of 2017 as a founding member. Since then, we have created a culture of pure love and true brother and sister relationships by keeping God at the center of our music.
I've since become the band leader, and feel so fulfilled to be using my highest passion for a greater purpose than myself. I look forward to growing together and creating original music that can inspire everyone, and to growing the heart of the whole world by sharing God's love and creativity through the arts!
Read more about Marcus and CARP LV on their Facebook page. Share your story to!
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