carp las vegas

CARP Las Vegas leaves a legacy of love

CARP Las Vegas leaves a legacy of love

To culminate all their semester efforts, CARP Las Vegas (University of Nevada, Las Vegas, College of Southern Nevada) held a Winter 2021 7-Day retreat from December 14th to the 21st. All who attended were previous 7-day participants so it set the tone for a cozy and familial group the whole week.

CARP Las Vegas Retreat Activates Participants

CARP Las Vegas Retreat Activates Participants

After hosting virtual events for over thirteen months, CARP Las Vegas members and participants were elated to host an in-person Summer 21-Day workshop. Some participants completed the first week with the 7-day Divine Principle workshop while others, including three brand new participants, completed and graduated from the entire 21-day workshop.

CARP Las Vegas and the 10 Day Retreat

CARP Las Vegas and the 10 Day Retreat

On May 30, 2020, CARP Las Vegas concluded our ten-day virtual workshop, an endeavor utilizing our full investment. Our tradition has been to hold a similar workshop twice a year to end each semester together, but this semester our workshop was more important than ever before. With the many challenges facing our society and world, CARP wanted to be a source of inspiration and hope for all of our members, and it was vital that we could end the semester strongly. Through the hard work of the core members of CARP LV and through the participation and efforts of all of the attendees, the first ten-day workshop of CARP LV was a complete success.

CARP Las Vegas kicks off monthly retreats in February

CARP Las Vegas kicks off monthly retreats in February

From February 21 to 23, CARP Las Vegas hosted their first weekend workshop of the semester to answer the question, is there something more we are meant to experience in our lives? A total of 19 students attended—four first time guests, one returning guest, one community member, and 13 CARP members.

CARP Las Vegas Sends a Message: Sexual Integrity is the Answer

CARP Las Vegas Sends a Message: Sexual Integrity is the Answer

On Saturday, November 2nd, over 170 attendees gathered to take a stand for a life of sexual integrity at CARP Las Vegas’s 5th Campus Talk: You Are Worth More at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV) Student Union Ballroom.

Although this Campus Talk was about standing firmly for sexual integrity, the spirit of the conference was very inviting and friendly, regardless if participants completely resonated with the perspectives being offered. That being said, in a collegiate environment where it is difficult to stand up for certain values, Campus Talk was a great place to gain conviction and stand together.   

Abbreviated News: CARP Las Vegas October One Day Retreat

Abbreviated News: CARP Las Vegas October One Day Retreat

On October 19th, CARP Las Vegas hosted a one day retreat with the theme, “You Are Worth More.” There were four new guests, two community members, and ten CARP members in attendance. 

In preparation for their upcoming Campus Talk event, the theme was to convey the message that the lives we live are meant to be so much more than what we can imagine. 

“I realized that I was guided by God a lot in my life. This is not  a new realization from this retreat but thinking about the reason that God guided me here is important.” - Tadakuni Sakamoto, first year CARP member

CARP Las Vegas’ Two Day Retreat introduces Student Speakers

CARP Las Vegas’ Two Day Retreat introduces Student Speakers

From September 20th to 21st, CARP Las Vegas held their first two day retreat for this semester. For the first time, instead of inviting a guest speaker, CARP members gave the presentations during the retreat. With Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon (Mother Moon), Founder of  CARP, placing a strong emphasis on the education of youth, CARP Las Vegas’s Director, Mr. Akira Watanabe, felt it was time for the students to practice becoming educators and to achieve a level of proficiency by the time they graduate.

CARP Las Vegas Gathers Allies for Sexual Integrity

CARP Las Vegas Gathers Allies for Sexual Integrity

The 4th Campus Talk was an all day conference inviting notable speakers from different non-profits and institutions, students, and local community members to discuss the issue of Family and Marriage in a Pornified Culture.