CARP Online: Socially Distant but Together — Collegiate Association for the Research of Principles

CARP Online: Socially Distant but Together

Two weeks since the official stay at home orders started rolling out and every chapter is fully transitioned online! Here are some highlights from this month.

Virtual Club meetings!

CARP El Camino College’s meeting on March 19th! They were also joined by their club advisor, Professor Hull.

CARP Cal State LA are keeping up weekly on Fridays. Also joining in are other chapters from CARP LA.

CARP Pasadena City College meets Tuesdays. Professor Grace Apiafi joins in when she can!

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CARP Cypress isn’t to be left out! They were joined by advisors Professor Ledesma and Mr. Okawa.


CARP Arizona keep up with each other via Zoom.

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CARP NJ held their first virtual meeting on March 31st with the theme, Unity! They were happy to see all of their friends again.

Evening Programs

CARP Bay Area made Ignite available online, re-branded Zoomnite! Other chapters are joining in for a night with a guest speaker, activities, and discussion.

CARP Las Vegas continues hosting Tribe Talks on Thursday evenings. CARP members from Las Vegas and around the country join in for a night of discussion and bonding.


CARP Bay Area makes sure all of its members are still making time for fun with their Virtual Game Night, a fun way to stay connected with friends.


CARP LA hosted a workshop on March 21st with mentor, Naoko Hiraki, as presenter. CARP members had a blast learning and keeping in touch.

CARP Las Vegas transformed their two day retreat into an online experience. CARP members gave presentations and guest CARP chapters (CARP Bay Area and CARP Arizona) gave performances. With discussion, reflections, and presentations, CARP continues to provide a space for everyone to feel like a family no matter how far apart.

We’ve got more online opportunities coming, so stay tuned!

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